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15 Fun Ways to Use the Boston Greenways this Summer (including several that you may not know about)
The Emerald Network team has put together a list of fun ideas to make use of the greenways this summer! The Emerald Network works to create over 250 miles of greenways (linear parks) within the Boston Metro Region.
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Our Streets Can Wait -- For Now, Stay Home
This was originally posted on the LivableStreets Alliance website here on April 9th, 2020.
On March 18th we sent out a statement from LivableStreets that detailed our response to COVID-19 and provided useful resources. Please check out our initial response on the LivableStreets' website here.
While much of it is still relevant, as the situation continues to evolve, our response and actions must evolve with it. In the weeks since we sent out our statement, we have been lending a lot of thought to how the current public health and economic crisis impacts our work, along with all of the longstanding inequities that it illuminates. We’re launching a blog series to explore the challenges facing mobility right now and the variety of situations that make this time especially challenging for some people. Please join us as we create space for staff to think out loud during the difficult time we are facing - while we can’t have all the answers, we want to explore this conversation with you.
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Featured Greenway: Roslindale Arboretum Gateway Path
The Roslindale Arboretum Gateway Path is part of a proposed 1.5-mile shared-use path that will connect the Roslindale Village business district and commuter rail station with Forest Hills station.
When the path is complete, it will improve neighborhood access to open space and transit while also providing safe and convenient passage for people walking or bicycling.
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Our Greenways in Fall
Fall in Boston means a lot of different things. While it may be easy to dread shorter days, heavier jackets, and no more lunches outside, let’s take a step back and remind ourselves that fall is not just an omen of the long winter to come but also a time of renewal. We should do our best to focus on how autumn is, in many ways, a beginning - not an end. Think about the trees shedding their leaves as an opportunity for you to do the same: to refresh and start anew. Those of us who live in Boston are fortunate that there is lots to be enjoyed outdoors in our city. Step outside during this time of year and feel an exhilarating chill in the air, savor the smell of leaves, and rediscover one of the best times to explore the green space that Boston has to offer. Fall passes quickly, so there’s no time like the present to venture out and drink in some fresh air.
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Boston’s Hidden Shore – The South Boston Harborwalk
One of Boston’s lesser-known public shorelines is also its longest uninterrupted stretch of accessible coast. From Castle Island to Savin Hill Cove, you can explore six continuous miles of harbor views that include the historic Fort Independence, multiple public beaches, Moakley Park (the second largest park in Boston), the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, and the University of Massachusetts Boston Campus. This inviting stretch is already part of the Emerald Network, but is in desperate need of better and safer connections.
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