The Emerald Network is a team within LivableStreets Alliance. The Emerald Network works to create over 250 miles of greenways (linear parks) within the Boston Metro Region. It partners with community members, non-profits, city governments, and state partners to do this. Its goal is to foster affordable and thriving neighborhoods in Greater Boston. In addition to ongoing advocacy, policy, and community work, it has 4 Priority Projects. Priority Projects are projects that are led by the Emerald Network. They have one or more of the following attributes…
- …are in neighborhoods that lack park space
- …are in areas with a history of inequitable investment
- …fill critical missing links in the larger greenway network
- …are complex and have large regional impacts
Current Priority Projects:
- Dorchester (DOT) Greenway
- Southwest Corridor Park Action Plan
- Columbia Road Transportation Action Plan*
- Allston Multi-Modal Project ("I-90")*
* larger transportation projects where green space is one element