Emerald Network — a vision for 250 miles of seamless shared-use greenway paths connecting Boston and adjacent cities. May 2023 Vol. 6 Issue 2 Email not displaying correctly? Read it on our website instead! |
NEWS FROM THE NETWORKThank you for being a dedicated reader of the Emerald Network newsletter. Spring has sprung, flowers are blooming, and there are plenty of ways to explore nature within the Emerald Network. We enjoy curating the latest greenway news, stories, and events from around the region and in your backyard. Help continue to grow the Network by forwarding this issue to a friend and encouraging them to subscribe today!
What Has the Emerald Network Been Up To?
DOT Greenway The DOT Greenway is a proposed .75-mile long park in Dorchester. The DOT Greenway would be a new community park built on top of a red line MBTA tunnel. The Dorchester community has been at the forefront of this project for over 7 years. The City of Boston applied for a grant to fund the first step to making the DOT Greenway. We hope to hear back about the grant by late summer. While we wait for news on the grant, we continue to connect with community members and collect feedback. For more information on the project visit our DOT Greenway webpage. Charles River Area Project There are several large transportation planning projects taking place along the Charles River. These projects focus on updating nearby parks, roads, bridges, and public transit routes. We're working with urban planners, government agencies, advocacy groups, and community members to unite projects. In summer 2023, the Emerald Network will talk to community groups who are impacted by these projects to learn more about their needs. This will help identify “asks” for planning teams and what information projects are missing. Columbia Road Columbia Road is a 2.2 mile stretch of road that runs between Franklin Park and Moakley Park. Residents have called for street safety improvements for many years. In 2023, after 4+ years of advocacy, the City of Boston hired a full time corridor planner for Columbia Road! LivableStreets is excited to work with the city to support the community's goals for Columbia Road. South West Corridor The Department of Conservation and Recreation selected LivableStreets to serve as the Community Engagement Team for an update to the South West Corridor Master Plan. LivableStreets will be working with Toole Design and Kyle Zick Landscape Architecture on the project. Be on the lookout for us on the Corridor this summer. Partners Doing Amazing Work
A New Park Along the Neponset River Greenway Doyle Park is a park in Hyde Park that had been sitting unused for many decades. Since 2020, the Southwest Boston Community Development Corporation, East River Street Neighborhood Association, Solomon Foundation, and Neponset River Watershed Association have listened to community members who want to see the space turned into a park. These organizations have asked the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) to build a park and add a river path. The park is planned to be completed this summer! It will have native trees, playground spaces, benches, and a river outlook over the Neponset. Come celebrate Doyle Park’s improvements and learn more about the Superfund clean up. Join your neighbors for Doyle Park Day on Sunday, May 6th from 11am - 2pm. This free event will have music, food, and kids’ activities. Overnight Camping on Peddock’s Island is Open! Boston Harbor Islands is opening Peddock’s Island for overnight reservations. Campers can reserve a tent or a yurt with bunk beds and electricity. Visit ReserveAmerica to book your tent site or click here for more information. Lend Your Voice to the City of Boston’s Open Space Plan An open space plan is a guidebook for parks, green spaces, and outdoor gathering spaces. It is a map for how and when to change and fund these spaces. The new draft needs your input! View the document and add what you think by May 21st. What changes to parks do you want to see in your neighborhood? We recommend starting at Section 6 “Community Vision,” on page 135. Events + Art
Greenways + Art = Our Favorite Things! Local artist, Julia Swanson, has created a series of walks that explores neighborhood art. The Art Walk Project highlights murals, sculptures, installation and other forms of art. Download a PDF map to guide you. Neighborhoods include Chinatown, Central Square, the Seaport and many more. Explore here!
OpportunitiesCheck out all of these amazing organization who are hiring and apply now to be a part of their team!
As a policy, LivableStreets will only advertise opportunities that include salary or compensation information. THANK YOU
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