November 2023 Newsletter


Emerald Network — a vision for 250 miles of seamless shared-use greenway paths connecting Boston and adjacent cities.

November 2023 Vol. 6 Issue 4




Thank you for reading the Emerald Network newsletter. We enjoy curating the latest greenway news, stories, and events from around the region and in your backyard. Help continue to grow the Network by forwarding this issue to a friend and encouraging them to subscribe today!

Network News

                                        Photo credit:

Southwest Corridor Park Action Plan: Phase 1 Complete!

LivableStreets, in partnership with Kyle Zick Landscape Architecture, Toole Design, and the Department of Conservation and Recreation have finished Phase 1 of the Southwest Corridor Park Action Plan. In the “Existing Conditions” phase, the team worked to understand the park's current state. This looked like listening to what 600+ people want to keep or change, attending 8 community events, participating in 1 public meeting, and collecting over 250 comments on an interactive online map.

We heard people love the park’s history and greenery and the ability to do many activities. People would like to see changes to how bicycles, walkers, and cars interact. Many also want to see more places for dogs, people of different ages, and community events. 

Opportunities to review the findings of Phase 1 and test out new ideas will begin in January 2024. Be on the lookout for Phase 2 events along the Southwest Corridor Park. In Phase 2 we begin to design park changes.

A report highlighting all we’ve learned will be available by year's end. In the meantime, check out the project’s page and our Story Map for more details and updates.

I-90 Charrette Summary

                                        Photo credit: MassDOT

Pictured above: Draft image of what the Charles River Waterfront could look like with I-90 no longer elevated.

In September, Emerald Network Director Abby Jamiel, attended MassDOT's workshop for the Allston Multi-Modal Project, which has been in progress for 10+ years! LivableStreets has been involved for many years as a member of the I-90 Task Force. The Task Force includes non-profits, community members, and agencies like the City of Boston and MBTA. It works with MassDOT to bring in multiple perspectives to make a better project for all. 

September’s workshop focused on changes to the Cambridge Street Bridge and Franklin Street footbridge. Community and I-90 Task Force members provided input on the width, length, and location of multi-modal lanes. As well as the slope of the bridge, type of crosswalks, and other elements.

In addition to this workshop, LivableStreets has worked with Task Force members to write support letters for the project, which are part of applications for federal funds. If awarded, these funds would provide millions of dollars to begin smaller steps to complete the Allston Multi-Modal Project.

Partners Doing Amazing Work

Moment of Focus: Hip-Hop Exhibit

Join LivableStreets’ partner, and artist Jaypix, in celebrating Hip-Hop photography and Mass Hip- Hip Archive. Stop into Roxbury for the 2-day event and sign up to get your portrait captured by these fantastic artists. #CelebratingHipHop50

Calls to Action

Our partners are leading strong advocacy efforts on issues of water quality, habitat, and sustainable transportation. If you are passionate about any (or all!) of these issues, we encourage you to take action.

Ongoing – Fairmont Indigo Community Development Corporation: Switching the Fairmont-Indigo Commuter Line to electric energy. Email Governor Healey, using this template, to ask the line to move towards more frequent and electric trains. 

Nov 14th, 5 pm. Emerald Necklace Conservancy + Charles River Watershed Association: Hybrid Visioning Session

Join a visioning session to imagine ways to improve the water quality, habitat, and health of the Muddy River. Sign up here.

Nov 15th, 6 pm. Virtual – City of Cambridge + Somerville + Massachusetts Water Resources Authority: Public meeting to discuss planning for sewer overflow.

Heavy rainfall can lead to sewage being released into rivers. This threatens human and ecosystem health. Join the public meeting to ask questions or express concerns for water bodies like the Mystic River watershed. Register here.

Art + Events

Photo credit: Makayla Comas

13th Annual StreetTalk

Dec. 7th, 6 pm — LivableStreets’ 10-in-1 talks will be returning to the Old South Meeting House by Revolutionary Spaces in collaboration with the GBH Forum Network! We have two ways to join this year's event — learn more and register here! We hope to see you there! :)

Save Arlington Wildlife

Nov. 15th, 7-8 pm — View a presentation by Save Arlington Wildlife founder Laura Kiesel on “The Rat Poison Problem: How Rodenticides are Harming Wildlife, Pets, and People!” Head to Wright-Locke Farm, All Seasons Barn at 82 Ridge Street, Winchester, MA. Masks are strongly encouraged due to the expected COVID surge. Learn and read more about the event here!

Beat the Bay State Challenge

LivableStreets is enthusiastic to be participating in WalkBoston's fundraising event, Beat the Bay State Challenge. We attempt to walk the distance of the state’s perimeter in November – that’s 900 miles! The event began November 1st, but don’t let that stop you! You can still sign up to participate here.


Many of our partners are hiring for a wide range of positions. 

Grants + Project Funding

There are currently many national and state resources to support building greenways. 

Building solar or wind facilities in buildings in a low income community? 

Building or maintaining a greenway or trail? 

  • Apply for a Mass Trails Grant to fund a trai’s development, design, or maintenance (Applications now open! Due: Feb 1)

More Opportunities Below:


We value your support of the Emerald Network community and social network. Find out more about our partners by visiting the website.

  • Help us to complete the Emerald Network by donating today.
  • You can also sign up to be a volunteer with LivableStreets.

Your dollars and your time keep us going!